
Author Meister, Austria
Added Value and Benefit for virtual learning process You know who is doing what at what time and can assign tasks with clear deadlines, instructions and monitoring facilities. Familiarise learners with tools used in the working world.
Description of tool MeisterTask is a task management tool that covers anything from conception to completion, providing an overview of work in progress. The Kanban-style project boards digitalize workflows and allow a clear overview of task progress with automation, time tracking and templates for recurring tasks. It can help you organise your next big project or digitalise task management for your learners’ daily business, you need to know who’s doing what, when. You can design and customise the environment to your needs. The tool shows you a dashboard with everything in one place, the projects for a clear overview and full efficiency, the tasks where work gets done and finally the agenda as your own personal board.
Practical application of tool/examples of use Assign a task for the entire team, organise and set up specific steps on the board and ask learners to monitor it themselves, while you keep the overview.
Price Free of charge for basic version;
Pro version from 8.25€ /month
Requirements on company level Registration with email and password required, alternatively Google or Facebook ID possible.
Copyright and usage restrictions / GDPR none
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